January 2024 Things
January 2024 Things
Greetings from Hibernation Mode Lauren. Vive has been off the radar for the entirety of January (and probably most of February) as I force myself to take a break, despite my inner people pleasing nature to keep working at full speed. It really does seem to go against everything that’s been instilled in me; a hard work ethic that I always appreciated from my father, a busy mind that’s afraid of FOMO so it’s in a constant state of over-thinking everything I’m missing out on when I don’t work. I find it hard to truly relax. However, our family has become obsessed with snow sports recently so that takes up a lot of my physical and brain time. Usually winter is so isolating and lonely since I feel confined to the house but it’s been great getting up early to head to Bachelor with the family and play all day. We have lived here since 2015 and I feel like we have slept so hard on the snow opportunities this beautiful town offers. I guess we’re making up for it now by skiing/snowboarding 2-3 times a week. It feels good to move my body and to spend long snow days with my boys. My son seems to be growing up at a rapid speed and I feel grateful to spend so much time with him.
Vive will start production again here pretty soon- though most of it will consist of planning and organizing the garden space and seed starting. The website will be updated soon with a handful of things as well; some items I never even got around to taking to markets or have even shown anyone, DIY kits, scarves and great vintage clothing!
I do hope you’re having a lovely, cozy winter as well. I look forward to catching up with you when the days grow longer and the temps warm up!